

Career, Interviews

Qualification vs. Experience

Open any newspaper and count the type of advertisements you find inside the most? Or just notice what industry do supplements circulated the maximum number of times along with newspapers, cater to? It’s higher education. As more and more students are ‘being pushed’ for higher education (in India or abroad), it is essential to understand the role of higher education vis-à-vis experience in creating a successful career growth path. Here’s a quickie Qualification Updates you with new knowledge about your choice of industry Offers you an opportunity to work for the organization of your choice Higher education specializes you in your field You gain…

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Career, Interviews, Resume Writing, Trends

Cool Resumes vs. LinkedIn Profiles vs. Resumes that Sell

Getting that job is undoubtedly the single most important thing in the mind of any professional looking for a change. How (s)he gets it, is the least important. Candidates today are much bolder in their approach towards employers and employment offers and at times do not flinch when posting their creative applications for jobs. As I browse the internet, I see many articles being written on the use of creative resumes and linked in applications. Let’s try to understand how each of these approaches present your case for candidature to any employer. Cool Resumes Business Insider writes an article on how…

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Career, Trends

Great Places to Work – India 2011

For continuing success, companies need the best talent and to retain this talent they need a workplace culture that empowers, entertains and engages. To capture this spirit, The Economic Times and Great Place to Work Institute recently joined hands to find out and honour the best workplaces; companies that realized that employees are their most valuable assets and went that extra mile to care for its employees. Prasenjit Bhattacharya, CEO, The Great Place to Work Institute, India, said that the key learnings that emerged from the survey were that great places to work institutionalise some very basic aspects of work…

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Career, Interviews

Blunders you should avoid in your interviews

Common blunders during an interview range from talking stupidly or panicing to coming to the interview without any preparation and not making proper eye contact. Last week the Times Ascent published an article listing 8 ways in which candidates generally commit blunders during interviews. The list comes from 4 HR-Directors and VPs, so it’s worth paying heed to. 1. Rambling. Prevaricating, interrupting the interviewer, answering simple questions with fifteen-minute replies are all big turn offs for interviewers. You can avoid all of these if you have practiced what you want to communicate. Answer to the-point, focused and don’t prevaricate. Be succinct…

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Career, Resume Writing

Writing an International Resume

Our pre-conceived belief that we would be handling resumes from Indian professionals only took a back seat from the first day itself. The very first resume we handled was for a academician with a 10 year experience who wished to go to the UK and research. This particular case taught us a lot and opened us up to the international market and subsequently we designed resumes for clients flying for lucrative jobs to Australia, Middle East, US and UK. In this post I’ll share with you some points from our research which should help you write an impressive international resume,…

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