

Career, Communication, Resume Writing

Mastering Interpersonal Skills: How to Effectively Present Key Traits on Your Resume

According to a report by Deloitte Access Economics, by 2030, two-thirds of all jobs will require strong soft skills. This highlights the growing importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace. From effective communication to teamwork and adaptability, these skills play a crucial role in career growth and success. Developing them not only enhances professional relationships but also sets individuals apart in an increasingly competitive job market. What are interpersonal skills? In the corporate world, interpersonal skills are a set of skills that define one’s ability to successfully work with others. These include communication skills, ability to listen, positive attitude, dispute…

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Career, Communication, LinkedIn, Social Media

5 Reasons you must hire a professional to manage your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn has off late become probably the most used social media platform, at least for professionals. While LinkedIn has been around for far longer than all the other social platforms have been, but it is now that it has come into use widely. The relevance of having a LinkedIn profile has increased by manifold, but your job doesn’t end right after you have a LinkedIn profile for yourself, it is even important to ensure that your LinkedIn profile is active, polished and refined. And while some of us may be ninjas to be able to maintain our LinkedIn profiles and…

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Career, Communication, Job Hunting, Resume Writing, Trends

Your Writing Skills can show you a career path with Numerous Options & Opportunities

 “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing” – Benjamin Franklin In schools and colleges, teachers or professors often give topics to write something – essays, journals, or paragraphs. If we are able to express our thoughts and opinions fine through the writings, we score well and sometimes we even receive an appreciation. Our writings get published in school magazines, children paper editions, etc.  As a result of these reasons, we often think of enhancing our writing skills and have a feeling that a career in writing may not be a bad choice. Writing as a Profession. Writing…

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Communication, Interviews, Job Hunting

The Science of Forming the Best Interview First Impressions

Did you know that it only takes 0.1 seconds for your interviewers to form an opinion about you? In fact, research indicates that opinion can last for up to two years. The moment you walk into an interview, you are being evaluated based on your appearance, body language, and personality traits. Knowing this, what can you do to establish a first impression that fosters a good, professional relationship with your interviewers as soon as you meet? Here are some scientifically-proven ways to curate a phenomenal first impression with your interviewers and increase your chances of getting a job offer. Prepare…

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Communication, Interviews, Job Hunting

Show some Emotional Intelligence during your Interview

Emotional Intelligence (EI) can become a very important characteristic to show to your interviewer that you have the proper ability and mental skills for a job. Not only does EI convey your ability to feel and recognise your emotions, but it also helps you understand, manage, and channelise them. If you are emotionally intelligent, you can manage your own emotions as well as the emotions of others in your team. So how can you show emotional intelligence? Here are some ways. 1. Listen Listening is the most important part of any conversations. If you listen well, you understand what is being said,…

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Communication, Job Hunting, Letters

Emails – Are you sending the right message?

  Emails are an integral part of any business conversation these days. They contain within them the power to make or break your perceived personality in the workplace. Not to mention, how you communicate without seeing the person face to face, or without actually talking to them depicts a lot about you. “There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it.” – Dale Carnegie, American Educator (1888 – 1955) (Sourced…

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