
Difference Between

AI / ChatGPT, Difference Between, Resume Writing

Is ChatGPT really the answer to high quality Resumes?

So everything is going AI. Images, videos, content, comments, painting, what not! In fact part of this blog is AI. But don’t worry, I will point you exactly what is that part. So far, its me, a human 🙂 Now if you happen to open your instagram or linkedin or whatsapp chances are that someone somewhere has posted a video on how to use AI or specifically, ChatGPT to write your CV or Resume. It sounds so easy and simple and affordable (read, free) that you almost feel why am I not doing it? And then when you actually get…

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Career, Difference Between, Resume Writing

Difference between the resume of a CIO & CTO

It is not everybody’s cup of tea to write the resume for a technologist. Things go really out of hand when that technologist happens to have a C in her title! And then it starts to get confusing. Especially when there is a dotted line between similar roles, like that of a Chief Information Officer (CIO) and a Chief Technology Officer (CTO). So why does it get confusing? Let’s try and clear the air. To start with, here’s a basic definition. A CTO is a Technology or Software Creator (at the senior most level), while a CIO is a Technology…

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