
Resume Writing

Job Hunting, Resume Writing

The Power of Keywords: Optimizing Your Resume for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems)

In today’s competitive job market, landing an interview can be challenging. One crucial factor that can significantly impact your chances is ensuring that your resume effectively passes through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). These systems help employers manage and filter through a large number of resumes efficiently. To optimize your resume for ATS, understanding the power of keywords is essential. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of keywords and provide valuable tips, supported by statistics, to help you optimize your resume for applicant tracking systems. Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems Applicant Tracking Systems are software applications that automate and…

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Career Switch, Job Hunting, Resume Writing

How to Write a Resume After Being Laid-off

Around 131,000 workers in U.S.-based tech companies (or tech companies with a large U.S. workforce) have been laid off in mass job cuts so far in 2023, according to a Crunchbase News tally. These stats are extraordinary. And those who are laid off are both unemployed and worrying about the dent in their employment records. While it is a difficult phase, it is possible to get bak to a job given you stay optimistic and work on your gaps. One of the essential steps in moving forward after being laid off is to update your resume. Here’s how to do…

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Job Hunting, Letters, Resume Writing

How To Write a Professional Cover Letter in 2023

A professional cover letter is a document that is typically sent along with a resume or job application.  The main purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself and explain why you are qualified for the position you are applying for. Keep your resume fresh and up to date, and your cover letter strong. Cover Letter 2023: Best Practices When it comes to job hunting, your cover letter is your first impression. It’s important to make sure that your cover letter is professional and polished, so that you can make the best possible impression on potential employers. Here are…

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Resume Writing

Online International Resume Format For Experienced IT Professionals

Every resume needs to be in perfect order and must manifest eye-catching details and provoke the reader to glance at the resume at least once. For this purpose, it must be in perfect order, all the experiences are well presented, and all the details must be aligned so that the reader is convinced to look at the CV and might consider it for recruitment purposes. In the case of IT professionals, it must be extraordinary as it is related to their field, so it is a chance for them to display their professionalism and skills in the resume. The resume…

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Career, Career Switch, Job Hunting, Resume Writing

GetSetResumes – Transition Better!

GetSetResumes was born in early 2011 when our market research threw open data on how dissatisfied clients were with the then service providers. When we started, we branded ourselves as pure Resume Writers with a horse’s vision, 100% focus on the resume. Hence the name “Get Set Resumes” was taken. Gradually we expanded our horizons and started helping clients with more services. Services like Essays, Recommendation Letters, SOPs, Award Citations, Biographies and even PPTs. At one point, we were also doing Mock Interview preparations! By 2022, as we came out of the Covid storm, we realised that our vision had…

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Guest Post, Resume Writing, Video Resume

5 Essential Tips For Making a Captivating Video Resume

Video Resumes are trending, and you should know how to create them proficiently. The employment market has considerably transformed significantly in the last few decades. Today, competition is fierce, and the process is changing owing to technology that has revolutionized every industry. Hiring is no exception. If you are interested in creating a video CV to be more competitive, this space is for you. Let’s take a closer look at the video resume.

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Career, Infographics, Resume Writing

How To Create An Infographic Resume

Here is the truth: most of the resumes are not even considered for an interview. Most of the recruiters don’t even spend more than 7 seconds on your resume. So if you want your resume to stand out among all the candidates then, creating an infographic resume is a very good option. What Is An Infographic Resume? An infographic resume uses graphics and illustrations to present key information about your work experience and capabilities. This makes your resume stand out and makes an impact on the recruiter. It benefits you to have graphics with all your information because it makes…

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Career, Resume Writing

Spectacular Extra-Curricular Activities To Be Included In Your Resume

Extracurricular activities are a great way to feature your passion and individuality. This also gives an idea about your expanded array of skills in different fields. Now, your question must be why do I have to include myself in various activities and not just be consistent with one? You see in this fast-paced world; recruiters not only require your skill in the said position but also your interest in learning new things. This will give them an idea about your personality. This shows that you do not restrict yourself when it comes to acquiring new knowledge. We understand that resume…

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Career, Resume Writing, Trends

What Are the Top Skills to Put on a Resume and How to Learn Them

Much of the global workforce is highly migratory at this point, and thus a lot of the value of a resume lies in skills that are transferable between different jobs and sectors. Most of the exact skills an employer is looking for are often clearly specified in the job description, which is your first port of call when adapting a resume for a job. Company pages and employee profiles may also divulge clues. But there are a number of skills on an application that are broadly sought after across industries, a few of which we’ll discuss below. Leadership Skills The…

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Career Switch, Resume Writing

Tips to Update your Resume for a Career Change

A resume is very important when it comes to getting hired for jobs. Your resume should always be up to date and precise which gives accurate information to your hiring manager about your application for a particular job role. There are different formats of resumes which one chooses in accordance to their level of expertise to draft their apt resume showcasing their skills, experience and highlighting their areas of expertise. One can also approach resume writing freelancers for better guidance, and professional resume writing services in India are also available. Below are some tips to update your resume for a…

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