
Resume Writing

Resume Writing

Simple & Effective US/Canada Resume Format

If you live in the US or are applying to the US / Canadian markets, you need to be very attentive to the format of the resume that you share. A lot of US companies still have not upgraded to modern day formats and prefer the old-style resumes (Arial, font size 10+, without boxes, light sized doc) and if your resume format differs from this, your resume might stand a good chance of getting rejected. On these lines, we designed a very simple, yet very effective resume for these markets. We have stuck to the use of Arial font in…

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Resume Writing

Are you still using a traditional objective in your resume?

Traditionally resumes have an introductory statement at the beginning. Most people call it the “Objective Statement”, where they mention what they want to do in their lives, or more specifically, with their careers. This statement is what hiring managers read or are expected to read first (given that it’s placed at the top of the page). So in a way, it is this statement which can reserve the job for you but if not done properly, this same statement can be the reason why your job search is over before it even started. We have seen thousands of resumes and…

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Resume Writing

Should I pay someone to write my CV?

Being a Resume Writing firm, the obvious answer to expect from us would be ‘yes’. Although it is always helpful to hire a professional to write your resume, there are other sides to this decision too. And unless you are absolutely convinced that you need a professional to write your CV, you should not pay someone to do it for you. Let us do an interactive study of the steps involved in writing a winning resume and how a professional writer approaches the task v/s how a normal working professional does. It all begins with your job search The next…

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Graduate Resumes, Resume Writing

How to write a Fresher or Graduate’s Resume

For fresh graduates, writing a resume seems tough for two reasons: You are new to the Job Market You do not have a work history and hence no experience or roles to boast Both these reasons are valid and can throw any fresher off-guard when writing their first formal resume for an employer. However, this can be easily tackled if you can answer this very basic question – what would you like to include in your first Resume? Now before we answer this, we first need to answer the question – why do employers want resumes? Employers want resume as it gives…

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Career, Resume Writing

Frame your Resume – the Napoleon Hill way

Napoleon Hill is considered to be one of the pioneer writers of personal-success literature. He was one of the earliest proponents of philosophy-of-success and his book, Think and Grow Rich testifies his authority on the subject. Advocates of personal development refer to his book as a bible and his groundbreaking formulae are still applied by students and aspiring professionals. His works are still subjected to a lot of researches and it has been found that several theories propounded by him can be applied today. His concepts centering on resume writing are relevant today which we will elaborate here. Resume Writing – Napoleon…

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Resume Writing

Resumes and Heatmaps

Time and again a new research surfaces talking about how much time recruiters spend looking at a resume. When we started our resume writing service 2 years ago, the time was pegged at somewhere between 37-40 seconds; 2 months ago a new report put this time spent at a paltry six seconds. Yes, 6 seconds only. Well, the report which tracked eye movements and prepared a heat map is itself very interesting. Below is a snapshot of the resumes the report quoted. The one on the left was prepared by a job seeker; the one on the right by a professional writer….

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Career, Interviews, Resume Writing, Video Resume

Video Resumes in India

I was recently approached with the idea of Video Resume implementation in India. Now this concept has gained a lot of ground in the western countries, especially the US and people are beginning to explore this new form of resume. But when it comes to India, I have my doubts. Below I have tried to put down some points which struck me while I was pondering over the thought of venturing into it. Some of them were discussed with HRs in leading organizations. But first of all, what is a video resume? A video resume is your resume recorded on…

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Resume Writing

Designing the Perfect Resume – A Case

Design: verb (used with object) – to plan and fashion artistically or skilfully. Why we emphasise on the word designing rather than writing is because only a well-crafted resume will open up the gates to your potential employer. Almost 50% candidates are rejected for a job they deserve at the resume processing stage itself, because the resume is unable to highlight the true potential of the candidate. Of the 50% who go through to the interviews, 20% are those who the employer has almost selected in their minds based on the excellence reflected in the resume. The rest 80% (of…

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Resume Writing

Indian HR Space and LinkedIn

It will still take some time to come to terms with the effect Twitter is having in the Indian social networking sphere and whether the newly launched Google+ is actually capable of uprooting the loyalty of Facebook, but one thing I have come to terms with is the effect LinkedIn is having in the Indian professional networking and Human Resource sphere! LinkedIn boasts of 115.8 million users worldwide (August 2011) and in June 2011, LinkedIn had 33.9 million unique visitors, up 63% from last year. LinkedIn recently (July 2011) also became the 2nd largest US Social Networking site in the US, toppling MySpace….

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