This is a Guest Post by Mary from Valenture Institute
A resume is an essential tool that is necessary for an individual to offer to employers when searching for jobs. It comprises a page or two with his life condensed in them. Resumes help the employers in deciding on the perfect candidate for the job. There are a variety of resumes, traditional ones, and the creative ones. The creative resumes are known as infographic resumes. An infographic resume makes the candidate more prominent from the crowd who have applied for the job. Therefore, it increases their chances of getting shortlisted for the interview. The infographic resume does not have text only; instead, it comprises pictures, charts, maps, and other graphical designs to appeal to the employer.
In the modern era of 2020, everyone is looking for a job, from a student to an older adult, no one wants to be dependent on someone else. In such times, the infographic resumes are a great relief as they help people reach out to the employees and get the job faster. Students studying in an Online High School are looking for part-time employment to support their studies and help their families. They find it very hard to come across a job and so by getting the resume, they can experiment with the design and let their luck do the rest for them.
A management resume gets noticed if the skills that they mention are perfect. One has to use strong words to show that the candidate has organized and managed the productions department, proving it with any achievements during the whole process, on the resume. The people applying for the managerial side jobs have to consider the resume so that they alter it according to the preferred skills and accomplishments. In this way, employees would be able to prioritize their achievements according to the requirements of the company they are applying for the job.

Infographic Resume done by GSR
Infographic resumes are conventional among people across the globe because of the positive impacts it has on the employers:
1- Easy to read
It is easy to grasp information from these resumes. They have images and are not very wordy; therefore, they do not take up a lot of time while reading through them. Graphics and visuals are said to be more appealing and exciting compared to texts on a traditional resume.
2- Let your personality show
The infographic resumes help in bringing out an individual’s personality with creative ideas and visualization. One would be able to convey his ideas and thoughts without writing paragraphs on what he is capable of doing.
3- Grabs the attention
An infographic resume can grab the employer attention as they can quickly identify if the candidate is suitable to handle the workload based on his strengths mentioned there. With the visuals and images that are self-explanatory, it is easier to understand and skim through the resume.
However, it is significant that the person opting for an infographic resume shall abide by some rules to ensure that he is successful with the job-seeking process:
1- Select the best achievement
One shall have the best of his results placed at the top of his resume under the results section. It will help the employer in understanding the skills that you are proudest of achieving. Any awards or records that are among the best accomplishments should be on the resume.
2- Quantify your achievements
A person shall make sure that he can back his claims up by numbers and facts. At a managerial level, one has had a lot of experience, and handling budget and production management are a lot trustworthy if he shows proof of his previous achievements.
3- Link to your online profile
Every employer interested in your resume would visit your online profile to know more about you. It is, therefore, better that you provide them a link in your resume only. That way, it will be easy for them to track you down on the internet.
4- Move your education towards the end
You had your knowledge at the top of your resume once you graduated since your degree spoke for you. But now, since you are up for the executive infographic resume, your work experience is relevant. Perhaps, with time, education can be moved towards the end of your resume, replaced with the work experience.
Check out some state of the art samples for inspiration here
Your resume speaks for you much before you do.
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