For Corporates & Job Boards, Get Set Resumes provides Resume Writing, LinkedIn Profile Writing, Letter Writing and Infographic Resume Writing services at volume rates.
In the past, we have worked with
If you are one of the above and wish to partner with us
Get Set Resumes works with leading institutes and career coaches in delivering impactful workshops and training seminars on Resume Writing and answering Interview Questions.
We help students in presenting themselves on paper through a rich resume and in overcoming the stress of interviews through coaching. We can conduct 1-2 day workshops and one-on-one training / mentoring sessions for students and professionals.
If you are one of the above and wish to partner with us
Get Set Resumes is definitely a good tie-up for our new born product on Resume Building. We appreciate the timely service rendered by them. Their time and effort shows up on the resumes they have built for us till date.”
For partnerships, workshops, tie-ups, co-branding, sponsorships, and other sales related inquiries please call +91-9953.776.253 or you may email us at info@getsetresumes.com